Ask HN: How did you improve your ability to do deep work?

I'm a HN lurker, twitter addict, insta reel addict etc. etc. (On a new account because my old one is connected to my IRL identity)

I used to do many hours of work a day, and I am not able to do that anymore. I can do max an hour when before I used to do four or five without any issues. This has happened in the last two years when due to lifestyle changes (more commute time, old job where I had a lot of free time to see my phone) that I have spent a lot of time. Now with a new job, I have noticed that I'm always reaching for my phone after facing any roadblocks, and just not able to maintain concentration for a long time like I used to.

People who were in this situation what have you done? I have quit twitter/X, deleted instagram from my phone and blocked both using cold turkey on my laptop. Are there any other ways?

3 points | by darpyu 16 hours ago


  • al_borland 15 hours ago
    > Now with a new job, I have noticed that I'm always reaching for my phone after facing any roadblocks

    When I hit those blocks of working for 5+ hours of flow, it’s because the difficulty of the work is at the right level. It’s mentally engaging enough that I’m not bored, but the problems are solvable (or at least I can feel like I’m making progress toward a solution) without feeling stuck.

    If it’s a new job, there are probably more things leaving you stuck than when you left your past job. If you can identify what those areas are and spend some time getting better at them, I’m thinking it would help.

    For me, new tools and trip me up. When we get new tools at work I spend time playing around with them and learning them, so I can use them effectively and they don’t become that thing that gives me a reason to take breaks every 5 minutes.

    • darpyu 15 hours ago
      Thank you for the reply! But to elaborate more, I feel like even for stuff I definitely would have not looked at my phone for before. So I'm afraid my brain has been "rewired" into not sticking with something for long