The Origins of DS_store (2006)


249 points | by edavis 4 days ago


  • ggm 4 days ago
    Aside from this file, the "fork" concept of Mac file systems caused some wtf moments. Fork not being fork() but being the two-pronged idea in that file system, both a resource and a data component existed as pair. One metadata and one the file contents. In Unix, the metadata was in the directory block inode, and wasn't bound to the file in a formalism uniquely, it had to be represented by structure in tar, or cpio or zip distinctly. Implementing Mac compatible file support in Unix meant treating the resource fork first class and the obvious way you do it is for each file have .file beside it.

    You couldn't map all the properties of the resource fork into an inode block of the time in UFS. It has stuff like the icon. More modern fs may have larger directory block structure and can handle the data better.

    • klodolph 4 days ago
      > One metadata and one the file contents.

      I’d say this is not the right way to describe a resource fork. Instead, think of it as two sets of file contents—one called "data" and one called "rsrc". On-disk, they are both just bytestreams.

      The catch is that you usually store a specific structure in the resource fork—smaller chunks of data indexed by 4-byte type codes and 2-byte integer IDs. Applications on the 68K normally stored everything in the resource fork. Code, menus, dialog boxes, pictures, icons, strings, and whatever else. If you copy an old Mac application to a PC or Unix system without translation, what you got was an empty file. This meant that Mac applications had to be encoded into a single stream to be sent over the network… early on, that meant BinHex .hqx or MacBinary .bin, and later on you saw Stuffit .sit archives.

      That’s why these structures don’t fit into an inode—it’s like you’re trying to cram a whole goddamn file in there. The resource fork structure had internal limits that capped it at 16 MB, but you could also just treat it as a separate stream of data and make it as big as you want.

    • kzrdude 4 days ago
      Resource fork used to contain all the stuff you could edit with ResEdit (good old times!) right? Icons, various gui resources, could be text and translation assets too. For example Escape Velocity plugins used custom resource types and a ResEdit plugin made them easy to edit there.
      • worstspotgain 4 days ago
        A lot of Classic Mac apps just used the resource fork to store all their data. It was basically used as a Berkeley DB, except the keys were limited to a 32-bit OSType plus a 16-bit integer, and performance was horrible. But it got the job done when the files were small, had low on-disk overhead, and was ridiculously easy to deploy.

        Once you pushed an app beyond the level of usage the developer had performed in their initial tests, it would crawl to a near-halt, thrashing the disk like crazy on any save. Apple's algorithm would shift huge chunks of the file multiple times per set of updates, when usually it would be better to just rewrite the entire file once. IIRC, part of the problem was an implicit commitment to never strictly requiring more than a few KBs of available disk space.

        In a sense, the resource fork was just too easy and accessible. In the long run, Mac users ended up suffering from it more than they benefited. When Apple finally got rid of it, the rejoice was pretty much universal. There was none of the nostalgia that usually accompanies disappearing Apple techs, especially the ones that get removed outright instead of upgraded (though one could argue that's what plists, XML and bundles did.)

        • Lammy 4 days ago
          > When Apple finally got rid of it, the rejoice was pretty much universal. There was none of the nostalgia that usually accompanies disappearing Apple techs

          Here's some

        • sweetjuly 4 days ago
          NSUserDefaults, the modern programmer's fork DB :)
        • inferiorhuman 4 days ago

            Once you pushed an app beyond the level of usage the developer
            had performed in their initial tests, it would crawl to a near-halt
          With HFS (unsure about HFS+) the first three extents are stored in the extent data record. After that extents get stored in a separate "overflow" file stored at the end of the filesystem. How much data goes in those three extents depends on a lot of things, but it does mean that it's actually pretty easy for things to get fragmented.

          A bit more detail: the first three extents the resource and data forks are stored as part of the entry in the catalog (for a total of up to six extents). On HFS each extent can be 2^16 blocks long (I think HFS+ moved to 32-bit lengths). Anything beyond that (due to size or fragmentation) will have its info stored in an overflow catalog. The overflow catalogs are a.) normal files and b.) keyed by the id (CNID) of the parent directory. If memory serves this means that the catalog file itself can become fragmented but also the lookups themselves are a bit slow. There are little shortcuts (threads) that are keyed by the CNID of the file/directory itself, but as far as I can tell they're only commonly written for directories not files.

          tl;dr For either of the forks (data or resource) once you got beyond the capacity of three extents or you start modifying things on a fragmented filesystem performance will go to shit.

      • jwells89 4 days ago
        I credit ResEdit hacking partially for steering my path towards becoming a programmer. I had my Classic Mac OS installs throughly customized, as well as the other various programs and games that stored their assets in resource forks.

        It was a lot of fun and something I’ve missed in modern computing. Not even desktop Linux is really fills that void. ResEdit and the way it exposed everything complete with built-in editors was really something special.

        • be_erik 4 days ago
          ResEdit and using it to modify Escape Velocity is 100% the reason I’m still in this industry.
      • whartung 4 days ago
        The other big thing in the resource fork was the executable code segments that made up the application. In fact applications typically had nothing but the data fork at all. It was all in the resource fork.
    • pkaye 4 days ago
      NTFS has alternate data streams. I think its hardly ever used.

      • rnts08 4 days ago
        Very commonly used to hide malware and other things you don't want the average user or windows admin to find.
      • kccqzy 4 days ago
        I used to dual boot OS X and Windows on my Mac in the late 2000s. I am pretty certain when I open the HFS+ volume and copy things to the NTFS volume, some stuff became alternate data streams. Windows even had a UI to tell me about it. I didn't understand it then but my guess would be that's the resource fork.
      • pseudalopex 4 days ago
        The article said most browsers mark downloaded files.
        • kccqzy 4 days ago
          That's done as part of xattr, or extended attributes. It's a very flexible system. For example you can add comments to a file so they are indexed by Spotlight.
      • EvanAnderson 4 days ago
        NTFS ACLs (aka file permissions) are stored in alternate data streams.
        • neerajsi 4 days ago
          I work on ReFS and a little bit on NTFS. Alternate data streams are simply seekable bags of bytes, just like the traditional main data file stream. Security descriptors, extended attributes, reparse points and other file metadata are represented as a more general concept called an "attribute".

          You can't actually open a security descriptor attribute and modify select bytes of it to create an invalid security descriptor, as you would if it were a general purpose stream.

          • EvanAnderson 4 days ago
            Help me understand the terminology. I thought alternative data streams were just non-resident attributes. Attributes like "$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR" have reserved names but, conceptually, I thought were stored in the same manner as an alternative data stream. (Admittedly, I've never seen the real NTFS source code-- I've only perused open source tools and re-implementations.)
      • asvitkine 4 days ago
        Used by malware mostly, I think.
    • Someone 4 days ago
      > the two-pronged idea in that file system, both a resource and a data component existed as pair. One metadata and one the file contents.

      Application metadata describing what file types an application could open, what icons to use for those file types if they matched the application’s creator code was stored in the resource fork of the application, but file metadata never was stored in the resource fork. File types, creator codes, lock, invisible, bozo, etc. bits always were stored in the file system.

      See for example the description of the MFS disk format at

    • a-dub 3 days ago
      resource and data forks were hfs(+) features that appeared in pre-osx versions of macos. post-osx made use of the bsd fast filesystem and a rather nice unix style convention from nextstep where the on-disk representation of a .app or .pkg (which would appear as a single entity in the gui) was actually a directory tree. this would rather elegantly include ui resources as well as multiple binaries for cross platform support.
    • dylan604 4 days ago
      It was all of the forked data that made dual format CDs/DVDs "interesting". In the beginning it was a trick. Eventually, the Mac burning software made it a breeze. Making a Mac bootable DVD was also interesting.
      • netsharc 4 days ago
        I recall seeing CD-ROMs that had both Mac and Windows software on it, and depending on which OS it was mounted on, it would show the Windows EXE or the Mac app... I wonder how that's done. I'm guessing there was a clever trick so files on both filesystems share the same data (e.g. if the program/game had a movie, it would only store the bytes of the movie once but its addressable as a file on each filesystem), but that sounds like a nightmare.

        I can probably look it up and figure it out myself, ah, the joys of learning about obsolete tech!

        • marcodiego 4 days ago
          You can hide files from windows by setting a property on the file. You can hide files from MacOS by inserting it's name in a file called ".hidden".
        • dylan604 4 days ago
          There were also the audio CDs that had data on them. Audio CD players would just play the audio, but a CD-ROM could access both. Some had apps that were games that would play the audio portion for the game.

          If you want to know about the different types of CDs, you'll want to know about the various colors:

          • dmicah 4 days ago
            Some Playstation 1 were setup to also play the game soundtrack if you put them in an audio CD player.
            • nullindividual 4 days ago
              MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries (for PC) was the same way. Rocking soundtrack. Beautiful game, provided you had a Voodoo 2.
              • jwells89 4 days ago
                The Mac version of the original Descent was like this too, with a great redbook audio soundtrack. The game wasn't locked to the original disc though, you could pop out the CD in the middle of the game and replace it with any other audio CD and it'd play that just as well.
        • rescbr 4 days ago
          IIRC from that time, those CD-ROMs contained two tracks, one formatted with ISO 9660 and another with HFS+. Windows didn't come with HFS+ drivers so it ignored it, and probably MacOS prioritized mounting the HFS+ track.
          • Lammy 4 days ago
            I've seen some where the combined file size exposed on each track would be larger than a CD could hold, so there had to be something more going on. StarCraft and Brood War come to mind with the large StarDat.mpq / BrooDat.mpq files.
        • inferiorhuman 4 days ago
          As it starts about 32k in, the ISO 9660 superblock doesn't inherently conflict with an Apple partition map which starts at the beginning. Apple also had proprietary ISO 9660 extensions that add extra metadata to the directory entries much like the RockRidge extension does. Those would get ignored by non-Apple implementations of ISO 9660.

          Microsoft went a different route with its long filename extensions (Joliet) – they simply created a whole different (UCS-2/UTF-16 encoded) directory tree. An ISO 9660 implementation that's compatible with Joliet will prefer the Unicode directory hierarchy and look there for files.

    • senderista 4 days ago
      You have the same "resource fork" concept in Unix xattrs and NTFS streams.
      • ggm 4 days ago
        No disagree, Both came later IIRC. Melbourne unis work on appletalk and Apple file system support was in the late 80s and I believe POSIX xattr spec work was mid nineties, NTFS was '93 or so. The fork model in apple file store was eighties work.
        • nullindividual 4 days ago
          GP wasn’t arguing about timelines.

          NTFS ADS were created to accommodate Mac OS resource forks on network volumes when using AFP.

          • ggm 4 days ago
            Gotcha! I assumed they were invented for Windows centric reasons.
  • slmjkdbtl 4 days ago
    I remember there used to ways to turn off the creation of .DS_Store but they removed it, I can't figure out for life why they would make such a change. I had to write a program [0] to watch the entire file system and delete .DS_Store as soon as they're created.


    • js2 4 days ago
      You can turn it off for network volumes:

        defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE

      I don't recall there ever being a way to turn it off for local volumes.

    • phyzix5761 3 days ago
      find / -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \; 2>/dev/null

      Put that in a script and add it to your crontab.

    • gumby 4 days ago
      Why? I just ignore them.
      • prurigro 4 days ago
        Google sent a copyright violation notice for each .DS_Store anyone at my company uploaded to Drive for nearly a year (yes, many support tickets were filed).

        It wasn't Apple's fault, but it still would have been nice if there was a way to turn them off.

        • heavyset_go 4 days ago
          That's scary considering how willingly they'll shutdown accounts for tripping their automated copyright violation service.
          • prurigro 4 days ago
            For sure! I made sure to have an open ticket with them until it was resolved so I'd have someone to call if some other automated system decided to shut down our services for it.
        • janalsncm 4 days ago
          Why? Somehow DS_Store is claimed as a copyrighted file?
        • gumby 4 days ago
          Holy cow, that’s crazy!
      • rf15 3 days ago
        Missing Stair effect - ignoring a problem does make everything progressively worse for everyone because the problems pile up.
      • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
        Some people can't.
  • seabass 4 days ago
    Never understood why it had to be in the same folder. Can’t the os have its own little db somewhere that has a reference to each path?
    • neerajsi 4 days ago
      Putting in in the folder is also nice in that it naturally gets deleted when the folder is deleted
      • earthboundkid 3 days ago
        All file operations have been watched by Spotlight since forever at this point.
        • threeseed 3 days ago
          Except for ignored file types and folders you marked as private.
    • stereo 4 days ago
      The idea was that metadata, for example a file’s label, would travel across to whichever device you use the network drive from.
      • jojobas 3 days ago
        Yeah, because such devices are only made by Apple and can or should understand Apple's internal format.
  • thought_alarm 4 days ago
    > Those files should only be created if the user actually makes adjustments to the view settings or set a manual location for icons in a folder. That’s unfortunately not what happens and visiting a folder pretty much guarantees that a .DS_Store file will get created

    This is my number one frustration with the Finder.

    You can customize the look and size of individual folder windows in many interesting ways, al a the Classic Mac OS Finder, which is a really great feature. But if you blow through that same folder in a browser window then most of those customization are lost, overwritten with the settings of that browser window, even if you never change anything.

    What's the point of allowing all of these great customizations when they're so easily clobbered?

    I have a global hot key to bring up the Applications folder. I'd love to customize the look of that window, but it's pointless. Whenever I hit that hot key I have no idea what I'm going to get. It's always getting reset.

    By the way, the reason it does this is because the Finder has no way to set a default browser window configuration. So instead, it just leaves behind the current browser settings in each folder it visits. Super frustrating.

  • gregmac 4 days ago
    As a non-Mac user, I always find it somewhat annoying when I download some .tgz published on Github or something and find .DS_Store littered inside.

    I guess macos probably just uses GNU tar? It's kind of surprising it wasn't modified or configured by default to ignore .DS_Store.

    • sneed_chucker 3 days ago
      Most of Mac's Unix utils come straight from FreeBSD without any special sauce from Apple.
      • leptons 3 days ago
        They had the chance to get rid of DS_store, but they put it in MacOS anyway?
    • LeoPanthera 3 days ago
      > It's kind of surprising it wasn't modified or configured by default to ignore .DS_Store.

      It was, but not by default.

      If you export COPYFILE_DISABLE=true then tar will skip .DS_Store files.

    • willsmith72 4 days ago
      Ah that reminds me I committed a few last week and never cleaned it up..
  • metadat 4 days ago
    It's worth mentioning how to turn off the creation of .DS_Store files by default while browsing network volumes - otherwise the directory modified timestamps are updated as you browse using the Finder, which is Just Plain Terrible.

    • al_borland 4 days ago
      macOS is tricky now. I just looked via Finder to see if I had any .DS_Store files on my network volumes, and it appeared not. However, when I went to Terminal, sure enough, they were there. I now can't trust Finder's ability to show hidden files, as it only shows the hidden files it thinks a user should care about, rather than all hidden files. Not good.

      Since my network shares are for a local Synology, it's not a a big deal for me. I have run into them at work before, and it does create quite the mess.

      • op00to 4 days ago
        My synology NAS drops turds in lots of directories too.
    • black_puppydog 4 days ago
      Personally I make sure mac users do this before they get write access to a network share. It's just a matter of common curtesy IMHO.
      • chrisweekly 4 days ago
        curtsy (feminine bow) -> courtesy (polite act)
        • philwelch 4 days ago
          Yes, but it’s a common courtesy to perform a curtsy in the appropriate situation.
          • DidYaWipe 3 days ago
            And failure to do so might come off as curt, see?
    • actionfromafar 4 days ago
      If you run Samba you can also configure Samba to just ignore such creations.
  • Ruq 4 days ago
    Every time I see it I think Nintendo DS.
  • sherburt3 4 days ago
    I am MacOS's biggest fanboy and Tim Cook's strongest soldier but I will also say the Finder is one of the dumbest file explorers I've ever experienced in my life
    • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
      > I am MacOS's biggest fanboy and Tim Cook's strongest soldier


  • Waterluvian 4 days ago
    DS Store seems so unfortunate. Yes it serves a purpose. Yes you can work around it in various ways. But the reality is that it’s basically proliferated file litter to 99% of people who come across it. It’s uncharacteristically un-Apple in terms of UX polish.

    Growing up with both System 7.5 / OSX, and windows machines, the Macs never seemed inclined to make me see extraneous files, filetypes, and other “how the computer works” implementation details. It’s just so odd to my mental model of it all to see this file end up everywhere.

    • al_borland 4 days ago
      For those who live their whole life within Apple's walls, they will never see .DS_Store files, unless they use the Terminal. Finder (with hidden files shown) doesn't even show them anymore.

      It is very ugly when files are shared from a Mac to people on Windows though. I think it gives a bad first impression for anyone who might be thinking of transitioning to the Mac.

      • nathan_douglas 4 days ago
        They pop up in code repositories too, depending on contents and whether the engineer in question noticed it.
        • doomlaser 4 days ago
          absolutely essential to add a line for .DS_Store in every .gitignore, unfortunately.
          • klodolph 4 days ago
            Enough to teach people to use a global git core.excludesfile, IMO.

            Same place you should put rules for Emacs / Vim swap files.

    • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
      > It’s uncharacteristically un-Apple in terms of UX polish.

      Apple's polish has always been more about the surface then the internals.

      • userbinator 4 days ago
        I remember playing around with setting up a Hackintosh, and found all those errors in the system logs --- then realised that an actual working Mac generates much the same (ignorable) errors.
        • plasticeagle 3 days ago
          To be fair to Apple here, so does every other operating system. Linux system logs are filled with errors too. In general, keeping the logs of even a moderately complex application "clean" - so that the only errors logged are real errors, in some poorly defined meaning of "real" - is very hard.

          For operating systems it must be straight up impossible.

  • hoherd 4 days ago
    FYI there is a tool on macOS called `dot_clean` that will "Remove dot-underscore files"
  • ee99ee 4 days ago
    Most informative post ever on Hacker News. Now I know!
  • tripdout 4 days ago
    Why doesn't Windows need such a directory to store folder customizations in Explorer?
    • steve1977 3 days ago
      Explorer uses a hidden desktop.ini file for this.
      • OptionOfT 3 days ago
        Negative. desktop.ini doesn't get edited when you switch (for example) from Details to List.

        Also, I think only the desktop allows moving icons around freely.

  • kaladin-jasnah 4 days ago
    There's also the .fseventsd directory which I've also seen on non-UNIX systems.
  • java-man 4 days ago
    Also there are those dot underscore files. Is there any way to disable creating these files on the network shares?


  • DidYaWipe 4 days ago
    Not to mention that it's an obnoxious and incompetent design. Look at the fact that Mac OS litters every other computer it visits with turds, for its own (and in fact only one user's) benefit. It's doubly stupid because the next browsing Mac that comes along trounces the previous one's turd.

    If Apple wanted to store view settings for remote volumes (or even local volumes), the competent design would have been to store them locally (and per user) in a central location on the machine doing the browsing.

    I remember the promised re-write of Finder and thought it never happened. Nothing seems to have improved for the user. I could post a list of decades-old defects that persist today.

    The one thing I can think of that has finally been fixed (and this was long after the "rewrite") was that you can now finally sort the file list properly: with folders at the top.

    Now I wish someone would explain something that might actually be worse than DS-turds: the presence of a "Contents" subdirectory in every goddamned Apple package. I mean... who thought you needed to create a directory called "Contents" to hold the contents of the parent directory? It's mind-boggling.

    • jwells89 4 days ago
      I can see the appeal for removable media, at least. It’s pretty common for those to have only a single user toting them around between home/work/school and for that case it makes a lot of sense to store that info on the media so settings stick across different machines. It probably made even more sense back when removable media was the norm for data transfer because network access was spotty or slow.

      It really should be turned off by default on network volumes though.

    • ryandrake 4 days ago
      > Not to mention that it's an obnoxious and incompetent design. Look at the fact that Mac OS litters every other computer it visits with turds, for its own (and in fact only one user's) benefit. It's doubly stupid because the next browsing Mac that comes along trounces the previous one's turd.

      It also kind of reveals an underlying attitude of the OS developers: That it's OK to use the user's filesystem (particularly directories owned by the user as opposed to the OS) as their dumping ground for all this metadata. As if it's their hard drive rather than mine.

      I'm OK with Apple putting whatever it wants in /System and /Library, but I'd expect the rest of my filesystem to contain only files I put there.

      Same goes for you, Microsoft: You can have C:/WINDOWS and I should get the rest of the filesystem.

      • jwells89 4 days ago
        > That it's OK to use the user's filesystem (particularly directories owned by the user as opposed to the OS) as their dumping ground for all this metadata.

        There are more of this type of offender than I can possibly count that dump myriad dotfiles and dotfolders in your home folder on nixes instead of adhering to platform conventions or XDG or anything, really. Worse, these programs won't function properly if you set your home folder to be read-only (leaving subdirectories writable) to keep it clean. Drives me nuts.

        • ryandrake 4 days ago
          Oh, yea. I didn't mean to give Linux/Unix a pass. Those systems can be equally cavalier about leaving their configuration droppings all over my filesystem, too.
      • ulbu 4 days ago
        oh man, don’t get me started on gui applications usurping the Documents folder.
    • dang 4 days ago
      We detached this subthread from
    • mathnode 4 days ago
      I will raise you- desktop.ini and thumbnails.db
      • tredre3 4 days ago
        Windows is polite enough to not write them on network shares, unlike .DS_Store.
        • lazide 4 days ago
          Now, yes. It used to be a really irritating problem there too.
      • wasabinator 4 days ago
        That's still a weaker hand. macOS also has the ton of ._ files. Would have been better to have folded than raised
    • threeseed 4 days ago
      > the competent design would have been to store them locally (and per user) in a central location on the machine doing the browsing

      Not sure but it could be the case that when you mount a network drive there isn't a stable identifier that can be used to track it.

      • organsnyder 4 days ago
        Sure, that wouldn't work if the network volume was accessed by different URIs. But it would work in 95% of cases, which is good enough.
        • nullindividual 4 days ago
          Like two websites that look the same, except one captures your creds?

          You don't want user prefs to apply to multiple locations solely based on URI.

        • DidYaWipe 4 days ago
          Exactly. And if the same machine used two URIs, there'd simply be two entries for settings. And the settings cache could flush old entries periodically.
      • Wingy 4 days ago
        Store a single .DS_Store in the root of the disk that stores either the reference or all of the data for that filesystem?
        • threeseed 4 days ago
          Users rarely mount network drives as root so not sure how this would work.

          Also the conflict resolution to support concurrent updates would be crazy.

      • DidYaWipe 4 days ago
        I think it's likely that there is a reasonably stable path for any kind of mount, but I don't know a ton about networks so I'll leave it to someone else to weigh in.

        But the stakes are very low here, so settings can be invalidated and discarded if they can't be resolved or they age out of the local cache. And if the mount is of a type that can't be reliably identified later, the default should have been to do nothing. Spewing junk all over every computer visited, especially junk that won't even survive the next Mac user's visit... is amateur-hour and obnoxious at best.

  • dada78641 4 days ago
    > Back in 1999 I was the technical lead for the Mac OS X Finder at Apple. At that time the Finder code base was some 8 years old and had reached the end of its useful life. Making any changes to it require huge engineering effort, and any changes usually broke two or three seemingly unrelated features. For Mac OS X we decided to rewrite the Finder from scratch.

    Not that I don't appreciate your work from back then, but as a longtime daily Mac user I cannot wait for the day that this is done once again. The Finder has so many bizarre quirks and it's so slow to proliferate updates that it's just embarrassing. Not to mention it's actually capable of locking up waiting for network access in some circumstances.

    I don't know what the Finder source code looks like today but I bet it's a similar kind of hell project as the Classic Finder was back then when they first rewrote it, considering how reluctant they are to do anything to it.

    • stereo 4 days ago
      When they rewrite it, I’m afraid we’ll get an iPad-esque nerfed and incomplete monstrosity, like we have with the Home or Settings apps.
      • aikinai 4 days ago
        Exactly my thought. When they replace Finder, it’ll almost certainly be with a port of the useless iPad Files app.

        Apple unfortunately isn’t in the business of making powerful, efficient (user-facing) software anymore.

    • meindnoch 4 days ago
      Based on how well the System Preferences → Settings rewrite went: please don't.
    • esprehn 4 days ago
      They did apparently rewrite it in Cocoa back in ~2008. Although that was 16 years ago so I'm sure it's accumulated a fair bit of tech debt since then.
    • DEADMINCE 4 days ago
      >The Finder has so many bizarre quirks and it's so slow to proliferate updates that it's just embarrassing

      Say what you will about Windows, but the Explore file manager has always been pretty rock solid.

      • nottorp 3 days ago
        Hmm. Wasn't it completely unreliable for moving around large numbers of files at the same time? Like if file #243 of 400 failed for some reason, you could actually lose data?

        I don't know any more because I use Total Commander on Windows...

      • al_borland 4 days ago
        I will say, network drives feel local on Windows. On macOS they feel like network drives. I think I’d say the same about external drives. I stopped using them, because I got sick of waiting for them to spin up anytime Finder had to do some work.
      • seabird 4 days ago
        Up until 7, and even afterward in some areas, Windows got things right from an interface standpoint. People seem to forgot that Microsoft dumped large amounts of time and money into figuring out how people use computers and developed their desktop environment accordingly. I've used Windows, macOS, and more Linux DEs than I care to admit. The only thing that tops the Windows DE is KDE, which isn't a massive departure from Windows. macOS has legacy as an excuse, but I don't know what can be said about the various Linux DEs that don't Work Right for the sake of spiting ideas that do.

        Windows 11 has pretty severely fucked up Explorer. Named directories can't have their path copied (I think 10 did this bullshit, too). The context menu getting insane whitespace, missing options, and having things dynamically load into it is a travesty. It is heartbreaking that mobile-inspired trash is ultimately going to be way you're forced to interact with a computer.

        People let their distaste for somebody's bad behavior and/or old things stop them from admitting that we're in a pretty severe backward slide.

      • robertoandred 3 days ago
        Explorer can’t even sort folders by size…
        • OptionOfT 3 days ago
          That's because folders have no size. It requires calculating children size recursively.
  • yellow_postit 4 days ago
    Finder remains one of those apps I still can’t make effective use of. Windows File Explorer for all its warts and changes still “just makes sense” to my brain vs how finder lays things out and expects you to browse.

    I’ve long since moved to command line or dual pane explorers but it’s something that makes me pause every time I do find myself in Finder for some reason.

    • climb_stealth 4 days ago
      I wholly agree with you on this one. Windows has its fair share of issues, but Windows Explorer feels like peak file browsing to me.

      For MacOS I can recommend Forklift [0]. I've been using it for years and it is a bit closer to the Windows Explorer way of doing things. Does what it is meant to do. Affordable. No nags. Gets out of the way. Not perfect, but soooo much better than the horrific experience that is Finder.


      • radicality 4 days ago
        How’s Forklift 4?

        I have a paid Forklift 3, and it’s nagging me to upgrade and pay for next version.

        I mostly went back to Finder for now, as I remember having some kind of issues with Forklift3 not being performant, though I don’t remember the details.

        • climb_stealth 3 days ago
          It seems fine to me. To be honest I don't recall what actually changed from v3.

          That said I only work on local files and don't use any of the remote workflows. The most advanced feature I use is synchronising files between local storage and SD card. And that works fine.

          One thing that did break in v4 is that search doesn't work anymore when using the text only toolbar. I reported that ~10 months ago but it's still broken. Maybe I'm the only person who was actually using it.

    • eek2121 4 days ago
      Oh boy, Windows does the same thing (regarding hidden files to sort out FS stuff), but they hide it (just like Apple). We WSL2 users found out the hard way and Microsoft refuses to offer a solution. Relevant issue:

      Apologies for my post getting snipped, The latest iOS beta keeps randomly eating my text. Apple is aware.

      • 0l 4 days ago
        Unless im misunderstanding something, these files don't actually exist but reside in the NTFS's alternative data stream, and only display separately in WSL due to ext4 not supporting ADS right?
    • Minor49er 4 days ago
      I found myself in a similar situation. Learning some of the hotkeys in Finder for common tasks really helped me curb that feeling

      Command + O to open files/folders in Finder was a bit challenging to remember since Enter/Return just works in Explorer

      • kfarr 4 days ago
        Command + down arrow also works to open

        Command + up arrow is a good shortcut to go up one level, surprisingly hard via gui

      • klodolph 4 days ago
        Arrow keys are where it’s at. Command up to go up one level, command down to go down one level (open). Always felt like I had to move my hands more on Windows.
      • userbinator 4 days ago
        Command + O to open files/folders in Finder was a bit challenging to remember since Enter/Return just works in Explorer

        ...and in Finder, Enter is rename, which is a lot more puzzling, so much that many others have commented on the same and some even tried to justify it:

      • robertoandred 3 days ago
        “O” as in “Open”. It’s the same shortcut in every app.
    • wsc981 4 days ago
      I never quite understand why the Finder gets so much hate. Personally I think it’s quite ok. I especially like columns navigation, quite effective for me to get around.

      It does make me wonder though, how do you feel about System 7.0 Finder?

      • jwells89 4 days ago
        I have similar feelings about the Finder and also don't quite get the love for Windows Explorer. It's just ok and if it were practical to replace it with just about any common Linux file manager on my Windows boxes I'd do so without a second thought.

        NeXT/Mac column view are great and should be table stakes in a file manager in my opinion.

  • KingLancelot 4 days ago
  • l33tman 4 days ago
    Maybe unrelated to this, but I noticed fairly recently that my backups from my macbook now backup seemingly randomly modified pdf and txt files all over the disk. My guess is that whenever I search for something, it decides to touch a couple of hundred files (but not ALL pdf/txt files for some reason).
  • deldelaney 4 days ago
    I miss the old Pre-OSX finder that could accomplish copy files without opening a second window and dragging into.

    I'll never get how some rocket scientist (IVIE I suspect) removed Apple's best finder feature, colored file folders, which made for easy sorting. To make matters worse, added stupid dot labels instead. What a cluster.

    Oh well. Still a bad day on a Mac is better than a great day in Windows.