bio: Patrick Curl is a full stack developer and father of two. He currently works (mostly) Laravel + VueJS projects but is transitioning more and more to node.js on the backend. Skills: Javascript, Php, Mysql, Linux VPS, HTML5, Css, Twitter Bootstrap, Nginx, Wordpress, Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Quasar, Ionic Framework, Angular, React, AWS, API's (Craigslist Bulk, AWS, Amazon Product Api, Google Maps / Location, Fedex, UPS, Paypal, Stripe, Zendesk, etc...) Email: [email protected] Cashapp: $pwcurl Paypal: [email protected] Location: Utah Looking for: Remote / Home-based ONLY | FT/PT Positions or Freelance Contracts hnchat:OZHeR9eYvKq81AoSF2tI