This is a throwaway so I can be dumb and learn stuff
Career/partial life bio
Decided to trim this about down, will post pastebin links overtime
Mar 2025
I am a major dumbass though last night I was driving (not sober), I had a random guy I met's firearm in the car, like if I was pulled over I would have been f'd and I was going over 150mph so yeah... dumbass. Idk why I do it.
I'm going to be pro-active about not repeating the above because my life is not bad, I make good money/single, healthy... be dumb to throw it away go to prison or whatever. I've been to jail before it sucks ass.
Hashing it out with manager we'll see, I think it's a me problem, get less butthurt
Still clean record, next problem
I will probably be a criminal after today (19) eg. a misdemeanor from being too drunk in public.
Same old, driven by fear of debt and loneliness.
Nope, another work issue, aiming for ending my contract and moving on, my side gig may be an option
Work relations are improving, actually got a buddy to hang with now (2023 - Mar 2025)