Show HN: Generate docs from your public repos


27 points | by linktothenew 3 days ago


  • linktothenew 3 days ago
    Also on the team at, if anybody runs into issues or it does not work let us know and we will try to fix ASAP.
    • linktothenew 3 days ago
      There was actually an issue when you login in with github for the first time, but that should be fixed. Sorry if anybody ran into that.
  • handfuloflight 3 days ago
    Would be useful to see an already generated example without having to go through the process of registration.
  • wbakst 3 days ago
    actually insane you have this domain that's amazing
  • ddtaylor 3 days ago
    Is this something my company can use for private repos?
    • dev-docsai 3 days ago
      We can work with private repos using our GitHub App and VsCode Extension, but the link provided in this post is built more for public repos because we wanted it to be easy for folks to use GitHub Oauth to generate docs while at the same time limiting the permission to only public repos so people are not worried they shared anything sensitive.

      Would be happy talk if you want to set up our GitHub app or Vs Code. Only thing I would say is that our tool generate docs for you so I would just make sure wherever you use our tool to generate the docs on your private repos, you make sure that location is also private so you can proof read before publishing it publicly.

      Also you can learn more here at: