Need help to identify if a provided credit number is real or virtual

I’m running into a particular problem that I’m not able to solve. I need to be able to identify if a provided. Credit card number is a real card number or a virtual card number.

To be clear - I just need to know if the card is a virtual card.

Is there any API service out there that can provide provide this information?:

Real-World Example:

Let’s say you have a real Bank of America Visa card. You go to the BoA app and generate a virtual card • primary/real card: 4111 1111 1111 1111 Virtual card (temporary): 5278 3412 9182 4470

Why Fraudsters Use Virtual Cards They can create many cards quickly using stolen or fake data Each card works long enough to pay fraud

4 points | by grahamgooch 4 days ago


  • gregjor 3 days ago
    If you get an auth on the card with the information provided the bank has to take responsibility for fraud, at least in the US. I don’t think you can tell if a card number corresponds to a “real” card or not. Some cards, such as the Apple card, don’t even have numbers embossed on them anymore.

    Look at the API for your payment processor. I know they can identify debit and prepaid cards. Beyond that I don’t think they can reveal much about the card.

  • pickle-wizard 1 day ago
    I haved looked much into Virtual Cards. Do they have the same BIN as a physical card. There are public lists of BINs. You could grab all the virtual card BINs and block them. Though that would take some maintenance as new ones are added.

    Also it is likely that your merchant processor offers this as a service. You should speak with them. Back we I worked for a processor we offered all kinds of different logic on different card types. They are not usually turned on by default and you have to request they be turned on. One that our customers frequently requested was to block pre-paid cards.

  • leros 3 days ago
    A virtual card is just as legitimate as a physical card. The numbers are just account ids basically. In my business, I setup virtual cards for many vendors.

    Sounds like you're trying to detect fraud. There are fraud detection platforms particularly designed for checkout fraud. Instead of re-inventing the wheel with a theory you have, I would look into some of those solutions that are fairly robust taking into account many different factors and often data from across merchants.

    • Trias11 3 days ago
      I agree. Working in a fraud space myself.

      Typically the ones who cares about virtual vs. physical cards are the questionable vendors trying to push shady, automated, hard-to-cancel subscription services or alikes to customers.

      Virtual cards are designed just for this purpose - to let consumers gain upper hand in shady business practices.

      • leros 3 days ago
        Virtual cards are also nice for setting up rules and alerts. I can setup a virtual card for a single merchant, then tell it to alert or block charges over a certain threshold.
  • anon743448 3 days ago
    > Why Fraudsters Use Virtual Cards They can create many cards quickly using stolen or fake data Each card works long enough to pay fraud

    So would real card.

  • gsck 2 days ago
    You cant. There is no difference between them, aside from one of the numbers has never been printed.

    I can't see why this would be more of an issue than any other type of card?

  • solardev 3 days ago
    Can't you perform an auth hold on them to verify whether the card has enough funds, without actually charging it? Shouldn't matter if the number was temporary?
  • uncomplexity_ 3 days ago
    why not just use stripe
  • hackburg 11 hours ago