• rpastuszak 3 days ago
    Hey, thanks for sharing. It looks neat! Here's some (unstructured, rushed) feedback:

    Consider adding some PWA metadata (manifest) so there's a bit more space when the app is added to the home screen.

    Are you using perfect-freehand? If so, you might wanna give Steve Ruiz a shoutout!

    The latency is not bad (iOS Safari) to be fair. I'd check how this works with the Apple Pencil though (including the additional APIs and pen properties it opens)

    I have giant fingers, so this is nice for doodles, but writing gets frustrating. a basic zoom would fix that (problem: keeping the UI non obtrusive).

    Consider adding colour (even a pre-defined palette to keep this super simple, say 3-4 colours). I got some fun creations from people who played with a similar project (https://lines.potato.horse), largely because they had just the right amount of creative control.

    Also, consider adding an OLED-friendly colour scheme (with perfect blacks #000). Some inspiration: https://untested.sonnet.io/notes/night-rider/ and https://untested.sonnet.io/notes/dark-mode-articles/

    (100% yak shave here, so not important) but: I'd check if the note content could be shared with the link (e.g. via data URIs) (mostly for fun)

    Ah, finally, make it plomk like mmm.page or potato.horse (disable silent mode and click on the nav)! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT

    • sumolessons 3 days ago
      100% shoutout to perfect-freehand/Steve Ruiz!

      this is amazing feedback, thank you for taking the time to write it all out. I love the idea of audio feedback!

    • rozab 2 days ago
      I was going to complement OP on how amazing this feels, not realising the drawing was lifted from somewhere else.

      Seems like a glaring omission to mention Cloudflare D1 and... SVG, but not the guy who did the drawing part of your drawing app

      • sumolessons 2 days ago
        It is a glaring omission with no excuse. I should have mentioned it.
        • rpastuszak 1 day ago
          I don't think it's such a big deal. It's a very well known package. The main reason I mentioned him was that it might be a nice/friendly thing to do.
  • jzellis 3 days ago
    Very cool, though it doesn't seem to work on Firefox on Android - I had to use Chrome to get it to work. Dunno what API it's using, but worth mentioning.
    • speerer 3 days ago
      Worked for me (firefox on Android, Samsung OneUI6.1)
  • tetris11 3 days ago

    Let's see how this evolves

  • onkkos 2 days ago
    Congrats on coming out of the shadows!

    If you could increase the size of the drawing window, to be almost as large as the browser and add more basic colors for drawing, I can see it being very useful.

  • coreyh14444 3 days ago
    Can't get it to do anything using Edge on Windows. Does it only work with touch?
    • sumolessons 3 days ago
      I've used it successfully with Chrome and Safari on macOS but it was originally intended for touch.
  • ihaveone 2 days ago
    Have you thought about colour? That would be awesome.
    • sumolessons 2 days ago
      Yes I think colors would be great, while still keeping the UI minimal. Another comment brought it up along with audio feedback for strokes which feels like it would be a nice experience.
  • npodbielski 3 days ago
    Pretty cool. Though I was a bit sad that preview does not work on Signal.
    • sumolessons 3 days ago
      Thanks! I just tried it out on Signal with a new note and it does work. The image is not as large as the WhatsApp preview though.

      I accidentally linked to a specific note at the top which I guess Cloudflare is struggling to preview due to traffic.

  • factovar 3 days ago
    Very few tools write that smooth. Great Work!
  • ttyyzz 3 days ago
    very cool and simple idea, i like it. funny thing, first try i got a note-id that already had been used by someone :-)
    • sumolessons 3 days ago
      thanks! Oops, I just realized the link at the top is to a specific note instead of fingernotes.com
  • filcuk 3 days ago
    I really like the feel of the writing.
  • YVoyiatzis 3 days ago
    I’m now able to sign my name with flair using just my thumb while holding my phone—seamlessly and effortlessly. Very well done on the implementation.