Matt Mullenweg trying to change /r/Wordpress to /r/WordPress


21 points | by rob 19 hours ago


  • solardev 18 hours ago
    That's one way to increase your capitalization.
  • claudiulodro 18 hours ago
    The title of this somehow makes it sound nefarious, but if you read the linked thread, the mods themselves say they tried before and the Reddit admins said they couldn't do it. Matt went to spez and got special approval, so this is actually helping the subreddit, no?
    • CtrlAltDelete51 18 hours ago
      My concern is why does Matt care all of a sudden? The timing is … suspicious. Especially with the trademark dispute — this feels like Matt trying to shore up a defense or something.
      • Lalabadie 18 hours ago
        To have a history of trademark enforcement would be my guess, but I think we're all learning that Matt is way over his head, probably from before the whole WPE situation. There's no consistent strategy or narrative.

        What I got from other sources is that Automattic's finances in general are not looking too good, and this is just one very public occurence of a flailing, under qualified CEO trying to be hands-on to solve the situation.

        • echoangle 17 hours ago
          It would be hilarious if it’s to get a history of trademark enforcement, I don’t think you can do that after 10 years of no enforcement and after already being in litigation.
      • claudiulodro 18 hours ago
        The simplest non-conspiracy theory is that he didn't regularly visit that subreddit until recently.
    • infecto 18 hours ago
      Seems correct but the timing is interesting
  • tiffanyh 18 hours ago
    I imagine that if you’re suing one company over trademark infringement, you need to demonstrate that you aren’t solely singling just one party out.
  • yurishimo 18 hours ago
    You know what, it’s about damn time! Seeing how Matt has always been about small communities it’s wild to me that this didn’t bother him sooner.

    But really, this doesn’t affect anyone negatively. Live and let live I say.

  • sccxy 18 hours ago
    Next step is 8% of each self-hosted WP revenue.
  • throwaway984393 18 hours ago