Visa Introduces the Visa Tokenized Asset Platform


34 points | by beefman 2 days ago


  • Bloedcoins 2 days ago
    Its so funny to see these type of things.

    Blockchain / crypto was started as a decentralized thing, than gambling happened.

    And now it transforms to 'whatever people thought it would be' to 'normal big companies we all know and use are leverging it now in a way to be able to say "But we also do blockchain and crypto" completly destroying the originally idea of it.

    But i don't mind. Make the ecosystem even more complicated and complex so that even less people care and use it.

    Crypto/Blockchain/NFT was the biggest 'transfer money from a lot of people to a few people' scam for a while now.

  • sfjailbird 2 days ago
    A Visa run corollary to the ethereum blockchain? Why wouln't a bank just issue its own ERC-20 token?
    • yieldcrv 2 days ago
      Its a package of friction reducing things that simply launching a standard or non standard erc20 token doesnt do
  • dartos 2 days ago
    Blockchain and b2b banking infrastructure seems like a more sensible use case, since the transaction processing infrastructure can be offloaded to the ethereum network instead of the visa’s infrastructure for some kinds of transactions.

    What used to take days may now only take minutes.

    Unless this is just another avenue for speculative trading…

  • yieldcrv 2 days ago
    I wish we could still do gas rebates, the sub 1 gwei prices on Ethereum right now are the perfect time to load up when gas prices skyrocket again
    • 3np 2 days ago
      OotL: (Why) don't gas future contracts work no more? Did they nerf the "refund-discount-on-free" hack?
      • yieldcrv 2 days ago
        They still exist but were nerfed in 2021’s London hard fork
    • counterpartyrsk 2 days ago
      Maybe a good time to renew ENS
      • yieldcrv 2 days ago
        because the gas is cheap for transactions? and visa going to bring attention to the network
  • Phantomfool 2 days ago