• taylodl 10 days ago
    > Programming isn’t just about writing code. It’s about solving problems. Developers should focus on understanding the problem deeply before jumping into solutions.

    In my experience, this responsibility has been pushed off to software architects. Generally speaking, the real problems are with Rube Goldberg business processes that were developed 30+ years ago that entire departments have been built around and each department only thinks about local improvements - and they're the ones giving you requirements. Enterprise Architects are supposed to be taking the global view, but too much business organization change is required to accomplish their goals, which is politically expensive, so it's rarely done.

    That's why I often say most business problems aren't technology problems. Meanwhile everyone, both technology and business leaders, believe new technology will solve all their business problems.

    I stay abreast with current frameworks, current languages, current tooling and the like because it's interesting. When it comes to solve the actual business problems we've been experiencing for decades, they'll have little impact.

  • navjack27 10 days ago
  • laweijfmvo 10 days ago
    my experience: most "software engineering" jobs have rewarded me to do everything but be a code monkey. so yeah, i suck at coding.
  • zhouzhao 10 days ago