• dolleik 125 days ago
    The intelligence community is made up of people capable of holding grudges. I'm certain they've not forgotten if such evidence exists. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future someone gets a missile delivered through the rooftop of their vehicle. I don't think the side that has less scientists is going to win. But I'm pretty sure that if not 9/11, then some other terrorist attack would have taken place. The world is too big for perfection. If there was a room full of 100 Jesuses and a gun, I can't be certain someone wouldn't get shot. Perfect world has no existence. If you think there's a world that exists without murder, even unintentional, get out of here. These are not 'new normal', someone always wanted to kill someone somewhere throughout history, it's just that now with technology we can kill must more and much faster. Maybe like, ants or something, are capable of not caring, or a fly thinking to itself 'I really hate that guy trying to swat me'.
  • h2odragon 125 days ago
    If we'd investigated the Saudi connections at the time, it might have detracted from the justifications for invading Iraq. By modern parlance, the Saudi stuff was "malinformation": true, but distracting from the official program.

    as usual "new" evidence has been seen before, often back when it was relevant. But it wasn't convenient to acknowledge it then.

    • hw-guy 125 days ago
      I thought back then that Saudi Arabia deserved to be considered part of the "Axis of Evil" at least as much as Iraq. But we needed the oil and the military bases.
      • dragonwriter 125 days ago
        Inasmuch as there was at the time an actual Axis of Evil coordinating with each other and aiding third parties with proliferation of WMDs and associated delivery technology, it was North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran; Saudi Arabia may have been evil, but they weren't part of that WMD proliferation gang.

        Neither, of course, was Iraq.

        But the Bush Administration needed an excuse for War with Iraq and had interest in protecting Pakistan, so they made some slight edits to a real problem and sold it as an excuse to attack Iraq.

    • pwg 125 days ago
      Don't you mean Afghanistan above?
      • h2odragon 125 days ago
        Nope, Iraq. Afghanistan was gonna get hit regardless. Iraq was utterly irrelevant to the situation (as far as I could see), and the excuses for tying it to 9/11 very thin. They did it anyhow.
  • bell-cot 125 days ago
    Sounds interesting, if you're into such things.

    But when your national economy is an oil addict, then nitpicking your #1 dealer's moral code is a luxury that you just don't have.

  • sfmz 125 days ago
    Maybe they were the ones filming it and dancing on the roof? Discussion around 9-11 is so moronic.
  • JoeyBananas 125 days ago
    They are just now acknowledging the Saudi connection, but it has been known for many years. But wait until you find out about the Israeli connection...