Does anyone remember Blue Origin? What are they even doing for a decade?

I dont understand how they are so behind?

4 points | by user90131313 91 days ago


  • bell-cot 91 days ago
    (A decade? Wikipedia says "Founded September 8, 2000".)

    BO is a rich man's hobby, kinda perpetually on-and-off struggling to re-imagine & re-invent itself as an A-list rocket company.

    But Rocket Science Is Hard. And Jeff's maxed-and-buffed stat is Online Retailing.

    He wouldn't be competent at Brain Surgery or Nuclear Physics, either.

  • ahazred8ta 91 days ago
    They're launching the EscaPADE Mars mission later this year. Their reusable booster lands vertically. They sell rocket engines to orher companies.

  • wmf 91 days ago
    They hired the same "experienced" people who slowed down NASA, ULA, Boeing, etc.