How to do growth for a B2C SaaS startup

I have just joined a new job in a new gen ai company where I am tasked to lead the growth. Till date I have worked with B2B SAAS and I have no idea what to do next. The startup generates UI UX designs with the help of AI

5 points | by kartik0204 3 days ago


  • ezekg 2 days ago
    You've joined a startup as their growth lead and you don't know the answer to this?
    • kartik0204 2 days ago
      I definitely know the answer to this and I am working on it. I just wanted to learn more and see if I am missing out on something. This post was made to educate myself.
      • ezekg 2 days ago
        > ... till date I have worked with B2B SaaS and I have no idea what to do next ...

        You didn't come off like you knew the answer, just FYI.

  • dangrossman 2 days ago
    Why would a consumer that isn't part of a business need to generate UI designs?
    • kartik0204 2 days ago
      Most designers in the world have a second job apart from their main job. They are using our tool to do their second job quickly and make more money. Plus, now because of Figma AI, we are trying to find our position in the market, so we are now opening our product to the world and trying to see what the best use case is that people might want to use our product for. Then, we will go to businesses to sell them for the same use case.
  • ianpurton 2 days ago
    That's a difficult one. Here's what I would look at...

    - Keyword research. What are people looking for.

    - Content marketing i.e. blog posts, tutorials

    - Google Ads

    - A free widget, something to attract links.

    - Cross posting interesting content to subreddits i.e. design

    - Youtube - creating content or sponsoring content.

    - Outreach - depends on your market but maybe linkedin.

    - Buying high traffic websites and integrating the content into your own site.

  • ronanc 2 days ago
    I've had decent success with for this kind of stuff. I'm in no way affiliated with them, it's just a solid community.
  • codingdave 2 days ago
    Who is your audience for the product?

    Go communicate wherever they listen.