Books to Dive in into Fullstack Development

Hello,I want to start learning fullstack but I’m afraid of getting too confused with so many languages and frameworks.I’m looking forward to find some ordered set of books that would introduce me to this topic

6 points | by pkrzysiek 7 days ago


  • fallinditch 6 days ago
    Books are ok but I think it's better to learn with websites that use live coding examples and exercises. is good, the Responsive Web Design and JavaScript courses are a good place to start, there's a great community of learners and tutors to help.

    The MDN developer resources is a useful site to keep open while you learn.

    Now pick a framework to start learning and building with. React is the most used but I chose Svelte because it is powerful yet has simpler syntax and is easier to learn, also supposed to be more performant.

    The Svelte tutorial is an excellent learning resource, nicely detailed and structured. I also found it to be a useful refresher for JavaScript in a more practical real world context.

    While doing the Svelte tutorial, and in fact all the time now, I have a tab open for an AI chat bot. I find Perplexity to be particularly useful for explaining syntax and code snippets.

    If you want to get more into JavaScript then a good book is Eloquent JavaScript

    Other posters have pointed out the complexity of the back end stuff and devops, etc. You can simplify this aspect by using a service like Supabase or Firebase.

    • pkrzysiek 6 days ago
      Thank you for the reply,after rethinking my post I understood that the question is very imprecise but after some insight from here and another post I've been shown,I think I will start Fundamentals of Web Development 3rd Edition and decide what to do after reading that (and gaining more insight about web dev hopefully)

      Currently I'm reading Python's crash course along with CLRS,planning to start reading that book after those.

      Gonna need all the MOOPs I've seen here too for sure!

    • purple-leafy 5 days ago
      Please, people need to stop recommending eloquent JavaScript. It’s fine for 6 chapters then it becomes absolute garbage, with the worst explanation for promises and async that I have ever seen in my life. “Crow networks” wtf! Stupid contrived example, I own the bloody book and it’s one of the only programming books I own that I NEVER RECOMMEND TO ANYONE
  • tsingy 7 days ago
    • admissionsguy 6 days ago
      This is one of MOOCs offered by the University of Helsinki. There are more at It also acts as a proper, credit-bearing university course. It is the best thing socialism has ever produced.
      • satvikpendem 6 days ago
        Socialism is where workers control the means of production. I think you mean social policies, not actual socialism.
        • meiraleal 6 days ago
          Teaching how to code for free checks the "workers controlling the means of production" for me.
  • meiraleal 7 days ago
    First you gotta decide what kind of software you want to develop. Or if you are doing it to get a job. The answers will vary a lot.

    As a general recommendation easy to follow, I would recommend to learn JavaScript and only JavaScript. And you can go just for the most modern version of it without need to worry about things that make javascript complex: compiling, bundling, commonjs vs ES modules, etc.

    JavaScript is a joyful language to work with and can get you very, very far in the software development landscape.

    • solardev 7 days ago
      IMO full stack dev isn't just about any one (or several) languages but also all the in between stuff.

      On the backend that could mean databases, scaling, containers, GraphQL, auth, scaling, etc.

      On the frontend there's a lot of UX, styling, testing, responsiveness, races, waterfalls, async and lazy loads, parallelization, asset optimizations, etc.

      In between, there's all the networking, CI/CD, permissions/IAM stuff, encryption, serverless, backups, Typescript...

      The programming is actually some of the easiest stuff to learn, IMO, and not necessarily the most critical. You can't guarantee you'll end up working in a full stack JS environment. Often the backend is something else. I think Node backends are still relatively rare for older or bigger companies. But all the other adjacent skills are still just as (if not more) relevant.

  • barrenko 6 days ago
    If you know how to program in general, and are not chasing some company deadlines, I'd try to master CSS (and HTML), and leave javascript to chatgpt et al.
  • brudgers 5 days ago
    I’m afraid of getting too confused with so many languages and frameworks.

    Javascript + HTML + CSS avoids this and will provide a solid foundation.

    Alternatively, picking a mature framework like Laravel or Rails also avoids the issue.

    Make a strategic decision first, then pick a book.

    Good luck.